Saturday, May 30, 2009

Diet for Oily Skin

There are two schools of thought on the relationship between diet and oily skin. One says that there is no relationship between the two as oily skin is a condition that is genetically coded. In other words, a person is either born with it or not. The other is that what you eat reflects on the state of your skin. So which one to believe in? In my opinion, there’s nothing to lose for trying to make dietary changes. If it works, that’s great. If not, you can always go back to your old eating.

So here are some recommended dietary changes that people with oily skin may want to make:

1. Restrict foods high in sugar and salt

2. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and help your body flush out toxins. The body needs an average of two litters of water a day.

3. Consume Vitamin B2 foods such as barley, kidney beans, almonds, buckwheat and soya beans. Vitamin B2 helps alleviate stress which is one of the causes of oily skin.

4. Avoid fried foods and foods high in fat and use less amount of oil for cooking. If possible, use canola or olive oil.

5. Include plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables in your daily diet.

6. The sugar content in carbonated drinks is generally high. So avoid them. The same goes for chocolates and other sweet foods.

The above are some of the recommended dietary changes. If you diet is drastically different from the recommended diet for oily skin, you would want to consult your dietician or dermatologist before taking the plunge as it might affect your health.

In short, cut down on the fat and sugar you consume, drink more water and consume more vegetables, fruit and Vitamin B rich foods. If you make these changes, there’s a possibility that your condition will improve.

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